Thursday 9 December 2010

Weymouth & Portland Borough Council 'After Dark' Project

Today marks the start of a 12 week public consultation period for the Weymouth & Portland Bourough Council 'After Dark' Project's draft strategy and action plan. Funded by the Home Office this project is a response to the negative perceptions held by a minority of residents about the town's evening and night-time experience. To read this visionary document and have your say visit or pick up a copy at the Council's North Quay offices. Tandem Marketing has led the community engagement PR campaign for this project.

Thursday 2 December 2010

Weymouth & Portland Borough Council 'After Dark' Project

Tandem Marketing is currently working with Weymouth & Portland Borough Council on 'After Dark', a Home Office funded project which will position Weymouth as a place for everybody.
The 'After Dark' draft strategy and action plan will soon be available for all to read, with the public consultation period starting on 9th December. Watch out for more information