Monday 15 November 2010

More Lovely Food Clients For Tandem Marketing

November has started well with two new food clients for Tandem Marketing. We are extremely excited to working with The Co operative supermarket on its membership events which will start in 2011. We'll also be creating a fabulous new website for The Fine Food Company which has built up a reputation of supplying speciality food and market fresh produce available from New Covent Garden, Smithfield and Rungis Markets.

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Tandem Marketing is honoured to be working on the iNets South West Creative Industries Roadshows that will be taking place shortly in Dorset. The new Creative Industries iNet (Innovation Network) will bring £3.2 million of support to the South West’s creative sector until 2013, to help creative businesses thrive and advance the area’s growing reputation as a global creative centre of excellence. For more information visit